
践行我们的座右铭: mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body)


Foxcroft embraces the definition of 健康 as adopted by the National 健康 Institute. 健康是一种 active process through which people become aware of, 做出选择, a more successful existence.


“在99499威尼斯信誉, we take a holistic approach to 健康, focusing on both mind and body so that wellbeing is supported in all areas of our girls' lives.”



Foxcroft girls participate in the Independent School Health Check (ISHC) 调查, which is based largely on the Youth Behavior Risk Survey that is administered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 除了 to using portions of the ISHC 调查 data that provide specific information about the needs of independent school student populations and to help us develop Foxcroft’s 健康 curriculum, the 调查 results also allow us to benchmark our efforts in measuring the success of our curriculum over time.


Through an innovative curriculum that is founded on research-based information about girls and the challenges they face, you will engage in age-appropriate conversations and special-topic seminars designed to educate you about the external factors that both contribute to long-term well-being and help you be successful right now, 在高中的时候.

健康 Education for Today's Girl

This is not your mother’s health class. At Foxcroft we are experts on girls’ emotional and physical development, and our comprehensive 健康 curriculum supports and celebrates each phase of your growth. Throughout your time at our school, you will gain an understanding of what it means to live “well” through a variety of seminars and workshops, on such relevant topics facilitated by Foxcroft faculty as well as experts from the community.


  • 九年级焦点

    At this stage, girls are often concerned about such issues as body image and self esteem. These topics are covered in addition to healthy relationships, 营养, 睡眠, and the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices to reduce stress. We even talk about homesickness. 除了, our ninth graders take a Digital Literacy class, which introduces students to online research, 不同的应用程序, responsible use of social media, 网络安全, and effective digital communication skills.
  • 十年级焦点

    Foxcroft sophomores attend 健康 seminars which build on key topics from the freshmen experience, including female anatomy and reproductive health and alcohol and drug education. 除了, they begin our three-year curriculum in financial literacy program. Sophomores learn about personal finances, knowledge that helps them grow life-long financial wellness.
  • 11th & 12年级关注焦点

    适合大三和大四学生, the 健康 Program focus is on key subjects that help girls transition to college, such as personal safety and stress and time management. They also continue with financial literacy curriculum, learning about investments, 贷款, 税收和慈善事业.

    Girls continue to build their cultural competencies and to develop practical life skills in their various leadership roles. 例如, our dorm leaders facilitate dorm meetings where they share and reinforce self-care strategies for developing healthy friendships, 维护自己的权利, 引导冲突, and managing life’s stressors. All of our dorm leaders are trained in peer counseling before they choose to focus on leadership in one of three socio-emotional realms: peer mediation and conflict resolution, international ambassadorship, and diversity and inclusion.

——Roxy C. '19

“Every night I would work until midnight. I realized it’s pretty bad for my health and it really would influence my study quality the next day. Now, I try to get to bed by a certain time and get up a little earlier if I need to.”
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.