莫Regulinski:治疗化身 & 健康的选择

Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座

莫Regulinski, “疗愈化身”系列可穿戴艺术品的创造者, and the second Helen Cudahy Niblack ’42 Arts Series lecturer this year, brought her unique artistic journey to Foxcroft last Friday to start the Arts Weekend off with her keynote at Morning Meeting.
三岁时被诊断为1型糖尿病, Mo’s early life included a “terrorizing” syringe and needle for life-sustaining insulin injections, a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy making her legally blind in one eye at 22 (which fortunately was mostly reversed), and a self-described strange obsession with collecting insulin bottles for a giant bonfire when the cure for diabetes is discovered.

虽然她还在等解药, once Mo had gotten past the “you’re going to die at 35 point” by several years, she began to reconsider her disease and changed her perspective to one of gratitude. She became grateful for the healthy choices that the chronic illness forced her to make, 是什么启发了她的“治愈阿凡达”系列. The series includes seven avatars – or pieces of wearable art – that represent seven aspects of living with diabetes, 给了莫重新考虑的机会, 改造, 并重复使用:“在这项工作中,我重新考虑了这种疾病, and I celebrate the positive aspects it has brought to my life. 我把那些旧观念改造成新的信念. 我真的相信我每天都在进步! 我在重复使用那些对我来说很重要的东西. These are important to me and they’re considered garbage and go into dumps. I’m able to reuse them in a positive way so that you are hopefully inspired to make your own art.”

Mo brought four of the Healing 《99499威尼斯信誉》s with her; three were modeled by students:

Teagan年代. 21年 《99499威尼斯信誉》, representing the medicine that helps keep Mo healthy. It was the first that Mo worked on and was the answer to the question, “那36,795 needles that I’ve stuck in my body look like if they pointed outward?类似罗马人的防弹衣, 除了专为女性设计的, 这件衣服穿起来很有力量.

Teagan shared a little about her experience as a model for Mo, 说, “当莫第一次来跑道练习的时候, 我既紧张又兴奋. Everyone was 说 she used recycled material and honestly, 我期待的是完全不同的东西. 然而, I really do appreciate the unexpectedness because it was a fresh and new perspective on health. 戴着她的项链, 我感觉自己就像一个女战士. Mo designed the needle-covered armor for the feminine form, rather than most female armor being remodeled male armor. It was very inspiring to hear her creative process and 故事, and I'm glad I have a behind-the-scenes experience with her and her work."

马洛B. 22年的时候 锻炼 《99499威尼斯信誉》, representing the easiest and most efficient way to impact health, with even a few turns around Big Track resulting in a reduction in blood glucose level. 身体由丝绒连衣裤象征, 哪一个是由自行车轮胎制成的护甲保护的. (见马洛对莫氏来访的报道 创新精神 故事.)

将800个脱水的小柑橘橘子皮取出 食物 阿凡达,莉莉·R穿的. ’22, demonstrate the difference that healthy food can make when dealing with a chronic disease like diabetes.

第四位治疗神通, 翅膀, 展示在人体模型上, and represents the choices that make the difference between surviving and thriving. The wings on display reused five years' worth of insulin bottles and needles, 这带来了新的, 尽管是可怕的, 叙事走向前台. With the price of insulin increasing 500% over the last few years, the insulin from the bottles used in this piece would be worth about $28,000!

其他三个化身: 的角度来看 (you can be grumpy or grateful and it makes a difference in how you feel), 幽默 (笑能让你感觉更好) 自由 (治愈!)没有展出.

在周六, Mo held two workshops during the Arts Weekend in which the girls worked collaboratively to design and create a piece of wearable art of their own out of recycled materials, 受到威尼斯彩票游戏的启发.

The Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座 was established by Austi Brown ’73 in memory of her mother. 从2007年开始, 系列带来了多种文学, 执行, 和优秀的艺术家来威尼斯彩票游戏分享他们的作品, 故事, and perspective on the nature of the creative process with both students and the larger community. One of the goals of the Niblack series is to provide an artist with the opportunity to share his artistic journey in a comfortable and familiar setting, creating space for an exchange of ideas that just might inspire a Foxcroft girl or two to chase her own artistic dreams.
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